Happy Groundhog Day! I'm sad that Old Phil saw his shadow, but I guess it makes sense...it is only 1 degree outside! :( But I can't be too sad because today is my dad's favorite holiday! About ten years ago, my dad mentioned that Groundhog Day, out of all the other holidays, was his favorite. We thought it was a little strange, but not that out of line for Dad, so we went with it. And the next Feb. 2, we started sending him cards (which usually donned pictures of singing squirrels or small bears on the cover because Hallmark hasn't tapped into the Groundhog Day holiday yet...go figure!). And Mom started making him cakes that resembled groundhogs popping out of the ground. One side of the cake would always be green for spring; the other side, white for winter. Once, we even built him a groundhog at Build-A-Bear. For ten years, we've been habitually celebrating Dad's favorite holiday. And for ten years, we never once questioned why Groundhog Day won the honor. And then one day, we found out why. We were surrounded by a cake shaped into a fat groundhog, a stuffed mole from Toys"R"Us that kind of resembled a groundhog and plenty of squirrel and little bear cards, and it was my sister who finally asked the question we never thought to ask. "Dad," she said, "why do you like Groundhog Day so much?" He sat there for a second, smiled and then said: "Because it was the only holiday that no one ever made a fuss about." Needless to say, we still celebrate Groundhog Day. And this year, my sister made the cake... Don't worry...she doesn't bake for a living!
Dear Readers,
Happy (almost) New Year! I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for this past year! This year has truly been full, thanks to you! I enjoyed hearing from and meeting so many of you in the past twelve months! Thank you for your kind words, your reviews, your encouragement and your enthusiasm for my stories. This year, you met Andrew, Logan and Jorgen in For All You Have Left, and you took their journey of love and second chances with them! Also this year, you took a chance on a small-town farm boy named River in By Way of Accident, and again, you ventured with him through the ups and downs in his life! And finally, some of you discovered Will's story in Butterfly Weeds and My Butterfly for the first time this year! Thank you! Thank you for taking the ride with them--for pulling for them, for cheering them on! And thank you for cheering me on! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I, alone, cannot give my characters a life like you can give them. I might give them breath, but you give them a voice. You make them heard! Their story lives on through you! And for that, I am forever grateful! Thank you! Have a wonderful 2015! ♥ Laura |
Inspired by my little, Midwestern hometown, I write about rain on tin roofs, gravel roads, old trucks with holes in the floorboards, small-town summer nights, and most importantly, love.
FOLLOW ME! Laura Miller's first
contemporary romance novel, Butterfly Weeds, hit the Amazon Best-Seller's List and Top 100 in October 2012. The sequel to Butterfly Weeds, My Butterfly, released in June 2013. For All You Have Left, By Way of Accident, When Cicadas Cry and A Bird on a Windowsill followed. The Life We Almost Had debuted as a best-seller in 2018. Laura's latest small-town romance, The Dream, released in 2019 and is an Amazon #1 Best-seller. Also check out her books of poetry: Love Story, Old Flame, Pieces of You and Echo. And look for her children's book, Pay It Forward, available now! Archives
January 2025